rotten orange

rotten orange
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lunes, 7 de junio de 2010



the decomposition of food is very harmful to stop the environment and human health, since it is a cycle that starts from the innocence of people to throw food in open areas continuing with this meal be decomposed and emit certain gases that affect Nuestrso recucursos ire when the soil in the form of acids, and joins with the water that we take to cause disease by acid


selena :

it is important to know what you eat, how to know if it is in good state or not and know the consequences of eating something spoiled. so it's extremely important to be hygienic and careful with our food.


lily cropar :

it is important to know what you eat, how to know if it is in good state or not and know the consequences of eating something spoiled. so it's extremely important to be hygienic and careful with our food.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Really Rotten Video

Rotting pumpkin

Rotting watermelon

This is a photo of a rotten orange :S


The decomposition of food is a chemical change caused by different factors.
A food can have three types of pollution:
BIOLOGICAL:Pollution is more common, and occurs in any stage of a food consumption. Since the produce may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms or molecules that hydrolyze essential food and rancid, as in the manufactured, packaged and sold if these are lacking in adequate sanitary conditions.
CHEMICAL:This contamination is to add substances to foods which are intended to alter a chemical. Some unapproved additives such as artificial colors, are a chemical contamination. These contaminants may be toxic or exacerbating, allergens among others
PHISICS:Rancidity is caused by depletion of food or for bad conditions of temperature, pressure and others

What happens when you eat decaying food?
Abdominal pain
Infections caused by viruses, bacterias or parasites
Table of dehydration that could lead to death

What we have to do before eating a meal…
Wash hands
Wash the meal if its a fruit or vegetal
Chek experation date

Conservetion Methods
By Heat:Pasteurization: The process of pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur discovered that contaminating organisms producing wines disease could be eliminated by applying temperature. Sterilization: Sterilization is performed by the water vapor pressure
By cold:Freezing food is subjected to temperatures below freezing (at - 18 ° C) for a short time. Cooling: the food is maintained at low temperatures. Freezing: the food is subjected to a temperature between -35 and -150 º C for a short period of time. It is the best procedure for applying the cold as the ice crystals that form during the process are small and fail to damage the tissues of the food.
Escaldes:Pasteurizitation. U.H.T . Sterilization.

This what hapens if you eat decaying food...

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Photo #3

Photo #2

Photo #1

This is The Photo of what happen the first Day on the apple :(
Well nothing happens it looks the same :/

Day #1 :) Of Experiment

We left the apple in half and got into the box and put it under the bed where the light can not reach

:) Objective of Experiment

A few days ago we did an experiment about what would happen if we put an apple in a box in a dark place ?.... put the apple in a box for four days:)


miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Task Assignments

Team: Liliana, Selena, Anubis, Rodrigo Z.
Investigate: ALL
Take Main Ideas: Selena
Give Structure: Anubis
Make Eraser: Anubis
Correct: Rodrigo Z.
Make a better Work: Rodrigo Z.
Put in the Blog: Liliana

definition of descomposition

Definition: The decomposition of food is a chemical change caused by different factors.

hypothesis and method

Objective: To demonstrate that the decomposition of food by an experiment.
Knowing the consumption effects
Hypothesis: What breaks down food?
Method: To investigate everything asked of our subject, interview people , and after that do an experiment to expose.


Objective: To demonstrate that the decomposition of food by an experiment.
Knowing the consumption effects
Hypothesis: What breaks down food?
Method: To investigate everything asked of our subject, interview people , and after that do an experiment to expose.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010


An experiment to demonstrate the decomposition of food. Also show the causes of engulfed and process throughout history